Background Activity Tracker
The Background Activity Tracker is a diagnostic tool that shows processes Exposure is running in the background. Occasionally, a background process will cause a delay when closing.
If shutdown takes longer than 10 seconds the Background Activity Dialog will automatically open. When this happens we recommend generating and sending a report to the support team.
You can also open the tool by going to Window > Background Activity Tracker.
1: Click the Report button. The tool will run a test on all background processes and display the report. The report will also be copied to your clipboard.
2: Create and submit the report in a new Support Ticket. At a minimum complete the following fields:
Email: Your email
Subject: Background Activity Report
Description: Right-click in this field and select Paste to add the report. You can also add other information or questions.
Submitting the report will allow the support team to analyze background processes and identify any problems. Expect to hear from the team within one business day.
Note: This article applies to Exposure X2.6 and later versions. Earlier versions did not have the Background Activity Tracker.